This piece deals with the physical dislocation evoked by the conference hotel experience. The movement between rooms, spaces and venues necessitates a personal encounter with the labyrinthine structure of the vast hotel hyper-space, where one is required to walk through seemingly endless long wide corridors, go up and down in brightly-lit glass elevators and escalators, and through tunnels and by-passes to yet more rooms and halls of connected activities and events. This piece explores the particular sense of disorientation and anxiety that the conference spaces evoke.

Nowhere was originally created for AR2View augmented reality project, for Video in the Built Environment at CAA, NY, January 2013. Quote by Conrad Gleber, V1BE:

AR2View is an exhibition catalog that brings together a collection of Augmented Reality (AR) artworks from nineteen media artists and two essay articles that review the field and the work inside. Unlike most catalogs, the pages link to media artwork wherever you and the catalog happen to be. It follows the experimental format of Scan2Go, which was distributed in Los Angeles at CAA’s 100th Annual Conference. Both publications include features designed to provide additional information to each page by using the text and image to function as interactive interfaces for mobile media hardware.

AR2View pushes the connection between the page interface and artists’ work by using the conference hotel as the context and trigger for experiencing artworks. By using Junaio, which is an image recognition application, photographs in AR2View will trigger a display of an artist’s digital media artwork on the screen as it is displaying the page image seen by the camera lens. The resulting composite view is an overlay of the computer-generated media accessed from an online database and the camera image. Each page in the book represents one artist’s media artwork.

Link to AR2View website